FAQ Provides Detailed Answers to SantosHuman Questions
Using our predictive digital human modeling software is now even easier. Our FAQ page provides detailed guidance on Santos Lite® and Santos Pro®. We have assembled almost 90 of the most frequently asked questions about our company and products into a user-friendly online format. Plus, the page includes some of the most popular videos about Santos predictive human modeling software.
Here is a table of contents of the Frequently Asked Questions:
- General
- Using Santos Lite and Santos Pro
- Technical Capabilities
- Modifying Avatars
- Measurements and Scaling
- Zone Differentiation
- Posturing Santos and Adding Equipment
- Importing and Exporting Data
- Arm Force Field
- Joint Torque Visualizer
- Obstacle and Collision Avoidance
- Motion Capture and Animation
- Authoring Capabilities
- File Management
- Anthropometric Databases and Human Scaling
- Santos Pro Security
Become a power user of Santos Lite and Santos Pro. Bookmark the FAQ page and our YouTube channel to learn more about leveraging the time and cost savings of predictive human-in-the-loop software from Santos.